The Droplet Lab Dropometer is a unique smartphone based optical tensiometer used to measure the surface properties of materials. The system has been shown to achieve 0.01% accuracy in contact angle measurement with respect to Young-Laplace and polynomial fitting models and an accuracy of 0.001% for surface tension measurements.

The tensiometer is simple to operate, compact and portable. The Dropometer offers researchers and educators the technical capabilities normally found in far more expensive and bulky equipment.

Designed by experts in tensiometry and backed by peer-reviewed research, the Droplet Lab Dropometer is the only smartphone based tensiometer suitable for both corporate and academic R&D.

“The world of surface science simplified with smartphone technology”.

Droplet Lab was founded in 2016 by Dr Alidad Amirfazli, faculty member at York University, and two of his researchers, Dr Huanchen Chen and Dr Jesus L.Muros-Cobos.

Droplet Lab

Key Features

Use the Dropometer to measure Contact Angle, Surface Tension, Surface Energy and Sliding Angle Measurements.

  • Cost Effective
  • Easy to Use
  • Easy to Assemble
  • Smartphone Based
  • Peer Reviewed
  • Portable

Cost Effective

The Droplet Lab Dropometer drastically reduces the initial investment costs associated with tensiometers while maintaining high end features. The system also offers a flexible subscription based plan so you only pay when you need measurements.

Easy to Use

The app at the heart of Droplet Lab is simple and intuitive to use, bypassing the need for expensive user training. With Droplet Lab you can be up and running in less than 20 minutes.

Easy to Assemble

The assembly of similar competing tensiometer systems can be a complex process that has to be performed on-site and at cost by the manufacturer. Droplet Lab offers a device that can be quickly and easily assembled without specific training.

Smartphone Based

The Dropometer Tensiometer is built to work with smartphone technology and so the system doesn’t require the use of additional laptops or desktop computers. The smartphone also adds to the portability.

Peer Reviewed

The Droplet Lab Dropometer is built on patented technology designed by experts in the field of tensiometry and has undergone extensive peer review, ensuring that the system operates to the highest standards.


Traditional tensiometers are heavy and unwieldy making their transportation a delicate task. The Dropometer is significantly smaller and lighter making it portable and the ideal choice for teaching and fieldwork measurements.


A list of potential applications for the Dropometer are as follows:

Paper & Packaging

  • Measure contact angle and sliding angle of paper and packaging materials
  • Measure surface tension of liquids
  • Determine contact angle of coating polymer solutions on substrate surface
  • Evaluate surface roughness of paper by measuring surface energy
  • Optimize adhesion between layers in packaging materials
  • Determine the wettability of paper for printing applications
  • Optimize ink adhesion properties on paper
  • Surface characterization of paper and packaging materials on coating/ surface treatment

Surface Treatment and Coatings of Paints

  • Measure surface tension of solid substrates to be coated
  • Determine the surface energy of substrate
  • Measure contact angle of paints on surfaces
  • Measure the surface tension of paints or coating material
  • Optimize adhesion between paints and substrate
  • Determine the wettability of surfaces for coating
  • Measure contact and sliding angle at the contact between paints and surface
  • Aid in optimizing surface properties of paint formulations
  • Evaluate the surface properties of coated surfaces

Coating of Glass

  • Measure surface energy of glass substrate
  • Determine undesirable substrate surface alterations, if any
  • Measure surface tension of the coating material
  • Measure contact angle of coating material on glass surface
  • Optimize adhesion between coating film and glass surface
  • Assess the quality of coating without destroying the coated surface (non-destructive)
  • Evaluate the homogeneity of coating on glass
  • Determine the nature of coating applied
  • Assess the surface properties of coated glass surface

Coating of Metals

  • Determine surface energy of metal surface
  • Asses the roughness of metal surface
  • Measure surface tension of the coatings formulated
  • Determine substrate-specific wettability of coating
  • Optimize adhesion between coating film and metal surface
  • Check the uniformity of the applied coating throughout the substrate
  • Perform contact angle measurements at the metal – coating interface
  • Determine the nature of coated metal surface
  • Assess the durability of the coated metal surfaces
  • Evaluate the surface properties of metallic substrates on coating

Wetting and Coating of Textiles

  • Calculate surface energy of fabrics – coated and non – coated
  • Determine the roughness of fabric surface
  • Evaluate surface tension of the prepared coating
  • Determine wettability of coated fabric
  • Optimize adhesion between coating agent and fabric surface
  • Measure the contact angle and sliding angle of coated textiles
  • Establish relationship between fabric surface roughness and wettability
  • Assess the stability of the coated textile materials
  • Evaluate the uniformity of the fabric coating
  • Determine hydrophobicity / hydrophilicity of coated textiles

Surface Treatment of Wood

  • Determine surface free energy of wood surfaces
  • Recognise non – homogeneity on the wooden material
  • Measure contact angle and sliding angle of wooden surfaces
  • Evaluate wettability of wooden constructs
  • Determine wettability of coated fabric
  • Optimize coating material composition
  • Asses the adhesiveness of applied coating on wood material surface
  • Determine nature of the coating applied
  • Evaluate the stability of the applied coating

Coating of Polymers

  • Determine wettability of surfaces for coating polymers
  • Conduct advance and receding contact angle measurements
  • Determine surface tension of polymer coatings
  • Optimize polymer composition for specific substrates
  • Asses the roughness of substrates
  • Determine the polymer adhesiveness to substrates
  • Asses hydrophobicity/ hydrophilicity of applied coatings
  • Evaluate the stability of the polymer coating

Coating of Fibres

  • Measure contact angle and sliding angle of fiber surfaces
  • Determine the wettability of fiber surface
  • Asses the fiber – matrix compatibility for composite preparation
  • Evaluate adhesiveness between fiber and matrix
  • Determine nature of the coating applied
  • Evaluate the durability of the applied coating
  • Determine surface energy of fibers
  • Asses the morphology of fiber assemblies

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Scientific Validation

You can read published papers about the Dropometer here –

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